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Norfolk Terriers

Since 1996


Tweedledee Teddy as Rachel


Raven was born on 18th February  2011.  As you can see from some of the photos, Raven thinks she is a  retriever rather than a terrier!  Raven likes nothing more than playing "fetch" and will carry on retrieving for hours on end. Raven loves her toys and it seems she has passed this trait down to all her offspring!  She is very intelligent, has a beautiful temperament and is a wonderful mother. A lovely, sweet little girl who likes to "spoon" you when in bed or on the sofa. 

Raven is now retired and living with with Norfolk Terrier Gingko and a wonderful family in Madrid. 

Malaga, Spain        mob: +34 617 968 464

Since 1996


Norfolk Terriers  

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